New Trailers For Saints Row IV, Splinter Cell: Blacklist & PAYDAY 2

Saints Row IV v2
A couple of new trailers got released yesterday that passed under our radar. Thus, below you can find the new trailers for Saints Row IV, Splinter Cell: Blacklist & PAYDAY 2. In Splinter Cell: Blacklist’s trailer we get to meet Charlie Cole, the man behind Sam’s gadgets, while in Saints Row IV’s trailer we get a taste of the Inauguration Station (that is currently available on PC, X360 and PS3). Last but not least, in PAYDAY 2’s trailer, we join David Goldfarb – Game Director of PAYDAY 2 – as he discusses the extensive in-game dynamics of the game. Enjoy!
Saints Row IV - Inauguration Station [US]

Charlie Cole | Splinter Cell Blacklist

Payday 2: Dynamics