Over Jump Rally feature

Over Jump Rally, unofficial remake of Sega Rally in Unreal Engine 5, gets new beta gameplay trailer

In September 2022, we informed you about Over Jump (which is now called Over Jump Rally). So today, we are happy to report that a new beta gameplay trailer has been released for this Sega Rally-inspired game that will be using Unreal Engine 5.

Developed by Alessandro Schiassi, Over Jump Rally is an unofficial remake of Sega Rally from the ’90s. This new arcade racing game will be using Unreal Engine 5 and promises to offer “stunning graphics, nostalgic music, and intuitive controls to bring classic racing to a new generation.”

Now while there isn’t any release date or demo, the developer recommends an RTX 4000 series or AMD/Intel equivalent GPU. So from the looks of it, this upcoming arcade racing game will be quite demanding. At least Schiassi suggests that the game can scale down to an NVIDIA GTX1080.

For what it’s worth, during this trailer, I could not spot any pop-ins. Thus, we can assume that Over Jump Rally will be using Nanite (and perhaps Lumen for its lighting). Let’s also hope that it will at least support DLSS 2 and FSR 2.0. And before crucifying Over Jump Rally, let me remind you that it’s being developed by one person. So yeah, we can at least cut him some slack regarding the game’s requirements.

There is currently no ETA on when Over Jump Rally will come out. As a big fan of SEGA’s arcade racing games, though, I’m really looking forward to it. I seriously like everything I see in this latest gameplay trailer. From the graphics and visual style to the car movement, Schiassi has nailed that 90s SEGA arcade racing feeling. So let’s hope that, unlike The 90’s Arcade Racer, this one will see the light of day.


Over Jump Rally - 4K Beta Gameplay - Unreal Engine 5