Vampyr – The Darkness Within Trailer

Focus Home Interactive has released a new trailer for  Dontnod Entertainment’s upcoming action RPG, Vampyr. This cinematic trailer depicts the legends and tales of its mysterious protagonist, Dr Jonathan Reid.

Set in 1918 London during a deadly bout of the Spanish Flu that left London’s alleys and promenade’s wailing in agony, Dr Reid awakes having arrived home from serving in the Great War with a deathly new ailment: vampirism. A Doctor, Reid considers his affliction another disease. As he tries to understand and to live with it, he desperately tries to continue his life as a doctor, helping those stricken with flu.

In Vampyr, every citizen killed will affect London’s safety. From shop closures to missing kin, the act of killing is unavoidable, but who you kill, and how, is in your hands. Every civilian can be killed, or saved – but as hordes of vampire hunters prowl the streets, growing strong on the blood of the weak will be ever more tempting.

Vampyr will be released in 2017.


Vampyr - The Darkness Within Trailer